Diamond Chest
Price CI$3,850.00
All duties and import costs included
- 36″ wide x 23″ deep x 34″ high
- Number of drawers: 4
- Available in two finishes:
- Washed Walnut
- Dark Walnut
- Crafted in solid Walnut
- Aged metal knobs
- No two are alike, variations are celebrated
We can’t hang it all, somethings need to be stashed, and a well-designed bedroom demands you do so stylishly. One tip for choosing the right chest of drawers is to do it upfront rather than as a finishing touch at the end.
Where once you had to make choices between something heavy or light, something dark and masculine or bright and dainty, the Diamond Chest defies such categories. Is this chest of drawers a wholly original piece or do you detect classical inspiration? Are you noticing traditional aspects or is this a modern geometric masterpiece? What you are seeing is the deft hand of true craft smanship, bringing what might have been a basic chest of drawers to life.
Forgo a straightforward bedroom chest and choose an artfully designed piece instead. Notice the diff erence? First off , the choice of solid walnut with its unrivalled colour variations and unmistakable grain provides a sophisticated base for the design. Then the striking addition of carved diamond wood panels into the drawers cuts such a dramatic dash. Standard bedroom chests are most oft en three or five drawer off erings, perhaps six if your space requires it. There is a well-balanced group of four striking quadrilateral drawers making a statement in the Diamond Chest. Each one off ering ample space for sweaters and jeans or socks and underthing’s, while slicing away any extraneous space demands. All at once it’s both origami-infused and art deco inspired. The look is utterly unique and elevates what might have been a modest rectangular chest to an exciting statement piece. The craft sman emphasizes natural, simple and classic design, seen most conspicuously in its peg legs and understated metal drawer pulls.
This is one remarkable design with two remarkably diff erent executions achieved via clever use of finish. And what a diff erence a finish makes. The dark walnut finish is a rich and dramatic tone while being inviting and suitable for so many colour schemes. The washed walnut finish off ers a brighter honey-toned alternative to eliminate heaviness in the bedroom. Train a light on this piece to make it sparkle brightly.
Why not move beyond the expected and install a timeless piece, one that is not just a finishing touch but a critical component of a personally created space. This chest of drawers is not just a bold statement piece but an invitation to mix and match styles in the bedroom.
The jeweller carves diamonds from rocks; we use the craft manship of the Diamond Chest to carve out a chic timeless bedroom style.
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4-6 Weeks (if in stock with vendor)
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Estimated ship date:
Estimated to ship: April 03 2025
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